Friday, April 29, 2011

The Northwest company

I believe that the most successful fur trading company was the Northwest fur trading company. The first reason for this is that they expanded a lot. According to the book Washington: A Sate of Contrasts, the Astorians were bought out by this company. Since they bought out Astoria, it is proof of their influence in the fur trade. According to, the Northwest company was much better organized and managed then the Pacific company. According to, from 1813 until 1821, the Northwest company had no competition in the Pacific Northwest. This proves that they were a force to be reckoned with. That is why I think they were the most successful fur trading company of the four. 
Image via Wikipedia

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lewis and Clark's journey

In my opinion, the hardest part of Lewis and Clark's journey was the crossing of the Bitterroot Mountains. On the National Geographic website it states that they were so low on food at this point in the journey that they had to eat three of their horses. It also states that they would likely have died without the fresh horses that they received from Indians. Additionally the Lewis and Clark historic trail site states that they nearly starved when they crossed the mountains. states that in Lewis's Journal he says the snow was 12 to 15 feet, and that it invelloped them.  

Bitterroot Mountains Picture via Wikipedia 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The coolest thing I did during spring break was go to McCall. While the rest of my family except for my mom and sisters skied, stayed at the condo and took a nap. While this sounds rest full for some, it was boring. But that aside, McCall was beautiful. It got tons of snow while we were there.  That was what I did on spring break.

Payette Lake image via Wikipedia