Friday, May 20, 2011

Main cause of Whitman Massacre

Both images via Wikipedia
I think the main cause of the Whitman Massacre was Dr. Whitman not being able to heal the natives . According to, when the native started to die of diseases, that was when tensions started to escalate. Also according to the book Washington: A State of Contrasts, the natives viewed Dr. Whitman as a medicine man. In that culture, if a medicine man could not heal someone, they could die. On the site, it states that after that point tensions steadily escalated. That is why I think the main cause of the massacre was native getting sick and Dr Whitman not being able to heal them.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Roman Catholics

I think Roman Catholics were the most successful at converting natives. According to Washington: A State of Contrasts, they were more successful because they didn't alter native lifestyles, and because they traveled with the natives. The book also states that the Roman Catholics were more successful than Protestants because their church ceremonies appealed to the Native Americans.

Image via Wikipedia

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rocky mountain fur

Image via Wikipedia
I would have copied Rocky Mountain Fur company because they minimized costs without losing much profit. They had no ships, no forts, no Indians to buy trinkets for. They still made huge amounts of money off of the mountain men trading their furs to them for goods the mountain men needed. The American Rocky Mountain Fur site states that the mountain men were veterans in the trade. This would make them effective and efficient trappers. According to the Rocky mountain fur site, the Rocky Mountain Fur company was constantly a challenge to the Hudson Bay company, which at that time dominated pretty much everything.